
Jenkins auto deploying failed, when all settings are right. -- error in mapperLocations, Spring (illegalArgumentException, TomcatManagerException)

I want to share some Jenkins auto-deployment issue solutions, that I could not find on the internet including here.
But I'm almost a freshman in StackOverflow, so I'm just here to ask myself and answer myself right away.
// I have tried to share the solution public on GitHub issue, I could not use it well, too.
// asking to be excused...

I'm using Spring MVC 4.3.9, connected to CI/CD. // GitHub branch -> Jenkins -> TestServer (Tomcat 8.5)

I allowed all the IP addresses, made and set the right Tomcat Manager account both in Jenkins credentials menu and tomcat. But the same error always occurs -- TomcatManagerException and also the illegal argument exception (in the full log from Jenkins by maven build option, -X -e, not sure). // Same results, with both Deploy war plugin and SSH_publish plugin.

Here is the Jenkins console output. (I don't think this one is the full log.)

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  7.895 s
[INFO] Finished at: ~~~Time~~~
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[DeployPublisher][INFO] Attempting to deploy 1 war file(s)
[DeployPublisher][INFO] Deploying ~~YourDIR&WAR~~ to container Tomcat 8.x Remote with context ~~YourContextName~~
  Redeploying [ ~~YourDIR&WAR~~]
  Undeploying  ~~YourDIR&WAR~~]
  Deploying [ ~~YourDIR&WAR~~]
ERROR: Build step failed with exception
org.codehaus.cargo.container.ContainerException: Failed to deploy [ ~~YourDIR&WAR~~]
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.AbstractTomcatManagerDeployer.deploy(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.AbstractTomcatManagerDeployer.redeploy(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter.deploy(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter$DeployCallable.invoke(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter$DeployCallable.invoke(
    at hudson.FilePath.act(
    at hudson.FilePath.act(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter.redeployFile(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.PasswordProtectedAdapterCargo.redeployFile(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.DeployPublisher.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepCompatibilityLayer.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$3.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(
    at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
    at hudson.model.Run.execute(
    at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Caused by: org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManagerException: The Tomcat Manager responded "FAIL - Deployed application at context path [~~YourContextName~~] but context failed to start
" instead of the expected "OK" message
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManager.invoke(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManager.deployImpl(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManager.deploy(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.AbstractTomcatManagerDeployer.deploy(
    ... 19 more
org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManagerException: The Tomcat Manager responded "FAIL - Deployed application at context path [~~YourContextName~~] but context failed to start
" instead of the expected "OK" message
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManager.invoke(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManager.deployImpl(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.TomcatManager.deploy(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.AbstractTomcatManagerDeployer.deploy(
    at org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal.AbstractTomcatManagerDeployer.redeploy(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter.deploy(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter$DeployCallable.invoke(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter$DeployCallable.invoke(
    at hudson.FilePath.act(
    at hudson.FilePath.act(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.CargoContainerAdapter.redeployFile(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.PasswordProtectedAdapterCargo.redeployFile(
    at hudson.plugins.deploy.DeployPublisher.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepCompatibilityLayer.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$3.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(
    at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
    at hudson.model.Run.execute(
    at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Build step 'Deploy war/ear to a container' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE

* I also got illegal argument exception in maven console, in mapperLocations setting.
===> This is the key


  •     <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
            <property name="driverClassName" value="org.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
            <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://yourDBurl:yourport/yourDBname" />
            <property name="username" value="youraccountname" />
            <property name="password" value="youraccountpassword" />
        <bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
            <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
            <property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath:my/package/mapper/*.xml" />
    // This is a part of the root-context.xml
    // in `src/main/java/my/package/mapper`, there are XML mapper files. // "src/main/java"
    // -- In my case, the mappers were in the classpath `src/main/java`

    This was my original mapper setting (causing the error). This setting just worked all fine when I run the Spring project on the local server. Also in the case that I exported war file on eclipse then deploy the war with my own hand to the server manually. Also in the case that I exported war file on eclipse then deploy the war with Tomcat Manager to the server manually.
    ** But only not available on Jenkins. Maven build was always successful but only in deployment. **

    * Solution * => I have changed the mapper setting in the Spring project, and migrated mappers from src/main/java to src/main/resources => The cause of the error I have guessed is that Jenkins cannot read, <property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath:my/package/mapper/*.xml" />, this configuration. => Same JDBC config, I only changed the mybatis setting like this.

    <!-- with same jdbc config -->
       <bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
          <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
          <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:mybatis/mybatis-configuration.xml" />
    // This is a part of the root-context.xml
    // NOW in `src/main/resources/my/package/mapper`, there are XML mapper files. // "src/main/resources"

    => In src/main/resources/mybatis-configuration.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN" "">
            <!-- <typeAlias alias="yourDTO" type="my.package.dto.yourDTO"></typeAlias> -->
            <mapper resource="mybatis/mapper/yourmapper.xml" />
            <!-- mappers, and so on -->

    => Put the mybatis mappers in the directory, src/main/resources/mapper. Write yourmapper.xml like usual mybatis mapper XML file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE mapper
      PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
    <mapper namespace="my.package.dto.yourDTO">
        <!-- your mybatis tag with SQL query -->

    P.S. -- I just have guessed that Jenkins cannot read the mappers in src/main/java. -- I haven't actually understood or analyze the open-source code of Jenkins. -- So the cause I pointed out might be wrong, but at least, the auto-deployment with Jenkins was available, in my mysterious case. -- I hope this might be helpful.