
Azure sql database subscription

I have a project for university and i have to use Azure Sql Database. I've made a student account which gave me 100 dollars to spend. My problem is that in 2 or 3 days all my money were gone and now my subscription is disabled. I will make another account or something, but my question is: do you know why it cost me that much?

enter image description here

I think i've done something wrong when creating the database, because i don't think it costs that much usually. Can you help me understand?


  • As a complement:

    Please go to Azure SQL database configure page to check the current price tier of the database:

    enter image description here

    If your database is not very large(less than 2G), you could change to DTU based model price tier, you only need to pay for 4.99$/month.

    Ref: Service tiers in the DTU-based purchase model.