
OpenMP Offloading with Private Arrays of Unknown Size at Compile Time

I am trying to offload several nested for loops in fortran using OpenMP, XL compiler suite. 90% of the routines are straight forward, but a handful of the loops involve private 1D arrays that are of unknown size at compile time, but will always be on ~O(10), which is very manageable in terms of thread stack memory. Here is an example loop

implicit none
real, dimension(1:nseq) :: yy    !nseq is a global variable, usually 1-10, 

!$omp target teams distribute parallel do collapse(3) schedule (static,1) &
!$omp& private(i, j, k) &
!$omp& private( yy )&
!omp& shared( ne )
do k=1,30
do j=1,30
do i=1,30

 yy = dummy_array(i,j,k,6:ne)  ! nseq is equal to ne-6... ne is a global variable
                               ! dummy_array is an allocatable array that exists persistently on 
                               ! the GPU
  do stuff with yy
end do
end do
end do

With this standard method, I get a lot of memory issues, varying between "out of memory errors" and "an illegal memory access was encountered"

If I go in and hard code what I know the values of nseq will be ahead of time, i.e.

implicit none
real, dimension(1:10) :: yy

Then I have no issues at all, so I am not ACTUALLY running out of memory on the GPU. This is obviously bad practice as these values change from case to case and are run time parameters.

I have experimented with ENV variables such as OMP_HEAPSIZE and OMP_STACKSIZE with no luck.

Thanks for taking a look!


  • This turns out to be a compiler quirk/bug with the IBM XL compiler suite I was using.

    A workaround that is not very desirable, but is effective, is to manually privitize the temporary array, i.e.

    real, dimension(30,30,30,1:nseq) :: yy
    !$omp target teams distribute parallel do collapse(3) schedule (static,1) &
    !$omp& private(i, j, k) &
    !$omp& private( yy )&
    !omp& shared( ne )
    do k=1,30
    do j=1,30
    do i=1,30
     yy(i,j,k,:) = dummy_array(i,j,k,6:ne)  
      do stuff with yy
    end do
    end do
    end do