There are canonical answers to this question for every popular language, even though that answer usually boils down to: "Use string.endsWith() from the standard library". For Ada, as far as I can find in the docs for the Fixed String package, there is no string.endswith function.
So, given two fixed strings A and B, how do you check if A ends with B?
A : constant String := "John Johnson";
B : constant String := "son";
if A.Ends_With(B) then -- this doesn't compile
Put_Line ("Yay!");
end if;
My intent is to establish a standard answer for Ada. It would also be good to know how to check if a string starts with another string.
A slight simplification of Simon's answer:
function Ends_With (Source, Pattern : String) return Boolean is
return Pattern'Length <= Source'Length
and then Source (Source'Last - Pattern'Length + 1 .. Source'Last) = Pattern;
end Ends_With;
And similarly Starts_With would be:
function Starts_With (Source, Pattern : String) return Boolean is
return Pattern'Length <= Source'Length
and then Source (Source'First .. Source'First + Pattern'Length - 1) = Pattern;
end Starts_With;