
CStdioFile cannot work with files larger than 2GB?

I am using Visual C++ 2008. In VC++ 2008, CFile supports 2^64 huge files. So I think CStdioFile should also support.

However, when using CStdioFile::GetLength() on a file larger than 2GB, I get a CFileException, below is the code snippet:

void CTestCStdioFileDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    CStdioFile MyFile;
    CString strLine;
    ULONGLONG uLength;

    strLine = _T("This is a line.");

    if (MyFile.Open(_T("C:\\Temp\\MyTest.dat"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::typeBinary))
        for (UINT uIndex = 0; uIndex = 200000000; uIndex ++)
            uLength = MyFile.GetLength();


After tracing into the CStdio::GetLength(), I find the following code snippet will raise exception, as below:

   nCurrent = ftell(m_pStream);            -> This will return -1
   if (nCurrent == -1)
      AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::invalidFile, _doserrno,

It is amazing that CStdioFile still use ftell instead of _ftelli64 to deal with the stream.

I then search the document for CStdioFile, I cannot find any document on CStdioFile::GetLength, the only related is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/mfc/reference/cstdiofile-class?view=vs-2019#seek, and it asks me to see fseek document. But in fseek document, I still not find any related to file size limit.

Finally I find a third-party site that indicates CStdioFile::GetLength contains error: http://www.flounder.com/msdn_documentation_errors_and_omissions.htm#CStdioFile::GetLength, but it does not provide a solution.

Other than these, there are hardly any questions or posts on the 2GB limit of CStdioFile online. That is really strange.

I try to check the source code of CStdioFile iN VC++ 2017 and it is same as that for 2008.

So whether there is a simple solution for the problem without rewriting the whole CStdioFile class?


  • CStdioFile exists primarily for a single reason: It's constructor taking a FILE* argument. The purpose of this class is to wrap a C Runtime file and expose it through a CFile-compatible interface. The implementation inherits all of the C Runtime limitations, in particular the file size limit of 2GB.

    To address this, there are several options:

    1. If possible, drop the use of CStdioFile altogether. Unless you are interfacing with (legacy) C code, there's no striking reason to ever use it.

    2. If that is not an option, derive a custom implementation from CStdioFile and override all class members that surface file-relative offsets (GetPosition(), GetLength(), Seek()). All other class members are unaffected, and can simply be inherited. (Note: Make sure to restore the current file pointer when implementing GetLength().)

      Microsoft provides extensions to its C Runtime that offer 64-bit wide offsets (_ftelli64 and _fseeki64).

    If you need to go with option 2, the following extension to CStdioFile can be used as a drop-in replacement with support for files larger than 2GB.


    #pragma once
    #include <afx.h>
    class CStdioFileExt : public CStdioFile
        ULONGLONG GetPosition() const override;
        ULONGLONG GetLength() const override;
        ULONGLONG Seek(LONGLONG lOff, UINT nFrom) override;


    #include "CStdioFileExt.h"
    ULONGLONG CStdioFileExt::GetPosition() const
        ASSERT(m_pStream != NULL);
        auto const pos = _ftelli64(m_pStream);
        if (pos == -1L)
            AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::invalidFile, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
        return static_cast<ULONGLONG>(pos);
    ULONGLONG CStdioFileExt::GetLength() const
        auto const nCurrent = _ftelli64(m_pStream);
        if (nCurrent == -1L)
            AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::invalidFile, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
        auto nResult = _fseeki64(m_pStream, 0, SEEK_END);
        if (nResult != 0)
            AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::badSeek, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
        auto const nLength = _ftelli64(m_pStream);
        if (nLength == -1L)
            AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::invalidFile, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
        nResult = _fseeki64(m_pStream, nCurrent, SEEK_SET);
        if (nResult != 0)
            AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::badSeek, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
        return static_cast<ULONGLONG>(nLength);
    ULONGLONG CStdioFileExt::Seek(LONGLONG lOff, UINT nFrom)
        ASSERT(nFrom == begin || nFrom == end || nFrom == current);
        ASSERT(m_pStream != NULL);
        if (_fseeki64(m_pStream, lOff, nFrom) != 0)
            AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::badSeek, _doserrno, m_strFileName);
        auto const pos = _ftelli64(m_pStream);
        return static_cast<ULONGLONG>(pos);
    IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CStdioFileExt, CStdioFile)