Problem I am trying to implement the Sonos Authorization API as I am trying to build a small IoT device I want to use as a remote but I am facing difficulties with the oauth process.
I did the following
Create a Sonos dev-account and create credentials
Open the "Create Authorization Code" in the browser and enter my Sonos credentials. In this step I get redirected to the redirect url as expected (I used and to get started)
Try to create the token but I get a client_invalid error which is supposed to mean the authorization code is incorrect
What I noticed As I havent implemented any custom code yet I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I noticed the authorization codes I receive (e.g. ZGyr3PrM) are much shorter in comparison to the examples (e.g. f10072fa6-2134-4fe1-93fd-ca5b9cffa738).
Do you have any ideas how to fix this or did anyone else have the same issues?
Thanks for your support Felix
I found the solution to my problem:
The example how to add the authorization in the documentation to create the token ist not correct.
It should be
Authorization: Basic {Base64 clientid:secret}
instead of
Authorization: Basic {Base64 clientid and secret}