Whenver the user login into the application. he joins to its own userId in server via
whereas the nodejs endpoint looks like
router.post("/secured/postmessage", (req,res)=>{
const { message, receiverId } = req.body;
io.to(receiverId).emit("newMessage", {
msgBody: message,
sender: req.currentUser,
now the RN part:
Chat screen functional Component looks like
export default function Chat({ navigation }) {
//receiveing the socket as props from previous screen
const { contact, socket } = navigation.state.params;
// console.log("in conversation contact is ", contact);
const [data, setData] = useState([
id: 8,
date: "9:50 am",
type: "in",
message: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit a met",
//this gets fired multiple times <--------
socket.on("newMessage", ({ msgBody, sender }) => {
setData((oldMessages) => [...oldMessages, msgBody]);
//handleSubmit gets fired when user types message and press SEND
const handleSubmit(){
//sending the post request to server with message
axios.post(baseUrl + "/secured/postmessage", {
message: message,
receiverId: contact._id,
whereas the nodejs endpoint looks like
router.post("/secured/postmessage", (req,res)=>{
io.to(receiverId).emit("newMessage", {
msgBody: messageResult,
sender: req.currentUser,
socket.on('newMessage') in Chat screen is getting fired multiple times, I dont know why
I think you can try adding socket event handler only when your Chat component mounted.
In functional component, you can use React.useEffect().
refer to below
React.useEffect(() => {
socket.on("newMessage", ({ msgBody, sender }) => {
setData((oldMessages) => [...oldMessages, msgBody]);