
When do values passed to a parameter require quotes?

I have been working with Exchange Online unified groups and Microsoft Teams teams in powershell: New-UnifiedGroup, Set-UnifiedGroup, Get-UnifiedGroup, New-Team, Get-Team etc. I have been creating groups and teams from PowerShell.

I am interested in understanding a bit better when a value for a parameter requires quotes and when it does not.

When I import from CSV, it seems the values are automatically interpreted as strings. When I supply them to a parameter that requires a string, the value does not require quotes even if it has spaces e.g New-UnifiedGroup -DisplayName $item.displayName does not require quotes even when the display name has spaces.

But when I want to create a team from an existing group, and I get the ID of the group, the group id requires quotes: New-Teams -GroupId "$group.ExternalDirectoryObjectId". In this case the parameter -GroupId requires a string value, although the ExternalDirectoryObjectId that it requires is not a string.

Is there a rule that a value does not require quotes if it is a string, and a string value is expected? Does it help to declare a variable as a string before passing it to a parameter that requires a string? For example, if I have a $path variable, I usually have to provide it as -Path "$path". If I declared the path as [String]$path =, would I then not need to use the quotes in -Path $path


  • Further reading:

    [1] The metacharacters are (some only need quoting if at the start of the argument):
    <space> ' " ` , ; ( ) { } | & < > @ #

    [2] The exact stringification rules, where culture-sensitivity factors in as well, are detailed in this answer.
    Generally, PowerShell has a very flexible automatic type-conversion system whose rules are complex and not explicitly documented - a peek at the source code may help.
    PowerShell always tries to automatically convert a given value to the target type, where the target type may be dictated by a parameter's type or the (usually) LHS operand of an operator-based expression (e.g., 42 + "1" yields 43).