Currently I get a number from the BE that states like 750
minutes (int) and should represent the time of day.
750 minutes = 12.5 hours and so the UI should display 12:30
1080 minutes = 18 hours and so the UI should display 18:00
But I can't seem to find a way to get a clean convertion from minutes to a proper Object with hours and minutes.
In the end I want to have a TimeOfDay
I will continue to struggle and will also post if I find the answer myself :)
With the help of the comments above I resolved it by splitting the sting. I don't see this as the best way to convert since I'm dependened that the Duration Class will never change but never the less I got what I wanted by doing the following
TimeOfDay minutesToTimeOfDay(int minutes) {
Duration duration = Duration(minutes: minutes);
List<String> parts = duration.toString().split(':');
return TimeOfDay(hour: int.parse(parts[0]), minute: int.parse(parts[1]));
Create Duration
with the amount of minutes, then toString()
that instance this will outpout 00:00
and then split this string on the colon ":"