I have 40+ pipelines that I need to approve from dev to QA and then QA to stage. I am working on a script to use AWS CLI commands to do do. I have been able to do that for a single pipeline where I know that the specific pipeline is ready to be approved.
aws codepipeline put-approval-result --cli-input-json file://TestPipeline.json
This is how I gathered the information for the approval for a single pipeline
aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state --name Pipeline-Ready-for-Approval
What I am trying to find out is - is there a way to loop through all of the pipelines using the get-pipeline-state
and identify the stage name and action name without manually going through output of each of the pipelines.
I can try to get the pipeline names from aws codepipeline list-pipelines
to get the list to loop through.
Is it possible using bash script and awscli and jq together?
Thank you
You can get most of the way there using the following
export pipelines=$(aws codepipeline list-pipelines --query 'pipelines[].name' --output text)
for p in $pipelines; do
aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state \
--name $p \
--query 'stageStates[?latestExecution.status==`InProgress`].{stageName:stageName,actionName:actionStates[0].actionName,token:actionStates[0].latestExecution.token}'
This assumes the approval action exists as the first or only action within a stage.
You'll get the output required for the put-approval-result