I understand that GNU mtools can be used to extact files from a DOS disk image. The example provided on the website shows how to extract a discrete number of files or directories from a disk image.
mcopy -i my-image-file.bin ::file1 ::file2 .
This copies file1 and file2 from the image file (my-image-file.bin) to the /tmp directory.
How do I use this command to extract all files from an image (recursively)?
According to https://www.gnu.org/software/mtools/manual/html_node/mcopy.html it should be possible
mcopy [-bspanvmQT] [-D clash_option] sourcefile [ sourcefiles… ] targetdirectory
s Recursive copy. Also copies directories and their contents
p Preserves the attributes of the copied files...
But it doesn't mention the -i
in your example.