
Name of List with maximum value

I am new to python. Using it with grasshopper. I have 5 lists, each actually with 8760 items for which i have found max values at each index "but I also need to know which list the value came from at any given index."

I would put a simple example to explain myself better. For 2 lists A = [5,10,15,20,25] B = [4,9,16,19,26]

Max value per index = [5,10,16,20,26]

What I want is something like Max value per index = [5(A), 10(A), 16(B), 20(A), 26(B)]

Or something along the line that can relate. I am not sure whether its possible.

I would really appreciate the help. Thank you.


  • This can be adapted to N lists.

    [(max(a),a.index(max(a))) for a in list(zip(A,B))]

    The .index(max(a)) gets the index at which the max(a) occurs.

    The output for your example is

    [(5, 0), (10, 0), (16, 1), (20, 0), (26, 1)]

    Of course, if both A and B share the same value, then the index will be the first one found, A.

    See for description of very useful zip built-in function.