What is the meaning of the last letter "a", "b", or "s" in Azure DevOps' directory structure:
C:\agent_work\1\a C:\agent_work\1\b C:\agent_work\1\s
Anyone know what that last letter stands for?
Extra credit: what's the "1" represent too?
Check out the predefined variables:
\a likely stands for "artifacts"
Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory - The local path on the agent where any artifacts are copied to before being pushed to their destination. For example:
\b likely stands for "binaries"
Build.BinariesDirectory - The local path on the agent you can use as an output folder for compiled binaries. For example:
\s likely stands for "sources"
Build.Repository.LocalPath - The local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded. For example:
. This variable is synonymous with Build.SourcesDirectory.
On Hosted build agents "1" seems to be static, on a self hosted agent I have noticed this number is unique per pipeline.