I am trying to verify a webhook sent from Plaid's API. Every webhook request is sent with a 'plaid-verification' header which is a JSON Web Token.
The steps required to validate are:
signed_jwt = eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjZjNTUxNmUxLTkyZGMtNDc5ZS1hOGZmLTVhNTE5OTJlMDAwMSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTA4ODcwMDEsInJlcXVlc3RfYm9keV9zaGEyNTYiOiJiNjNhMDdiNTQ3YjAwZjk5MjU0N2Y2YmJjOGQ5YWNjNjFhOGNjZWUxMzhiYzgyZjQ0YTZiYWEwOTY4M2E1ZDBmIn0.OOKvIihgqCj7Qrb2bmz7T3t7uK-0JyjiEqL2s1kWeJBM4MMmjaHKK8GmU_z91QolBWMzvPgs718EElY-rE3cwQ
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "6c5516e1-92dc-479e-a8ff-5a51992e0001",
"typ": "JWT"
and POST to /webhook_verification_key/get
POST /webhook_verification_key/get
"client_id": "MY_CLIENT_ID"
"secret": "MY_SECRET_ID"
"key_id": "6c5516e1-92dc-479e-a8ff-5a51992e0001"
The response is:
"key": {
"alg": "ES256",
"created_at": 1560466143,
"crv": "P-256",
"expired_at": null,
"kid": "6c5516e1-92dc-479e-a8ff-5a51992e0001",
"kty": "EC",
"use": "sig",
"x": "35lvC8uz2QrWpQJ3TUH8t9o9DURMp7ydU518RKDl20k",
"y": "I8BuXB2bvxelzJAd7OKhd-ZwjCst05Fx47Mb_0ugros"
"request_id": "HvfCtrDLG1ihcp7"
as a JSON Web Key, validate that the signature of the JSON Web Key is valid, and extract the payload (using jose python library)claims = jwt.decode(signed_jwt, key, algorithms=['ES256'])
claims = {
"iat": 1590887001,
"request_body_sha256": "b63a07b547b00f992547f6bbc8d9acc61a8ccee138bc82f44a6baa09683a5d0f"
:Body is in a file body.json
"error": null,
"item_id": "yxQbxDjnD8hr69pKbQpbcKeVn3GL9QuyA7NV3",
"new_transactions": 390,
"webhook_code": "HISTORICAL_UPDATE",
"webhook_type": "TRANSACTIONS"
Compute SHA-256 of body.json
f = open('body.json')
body = json.load(f)
m = hashlib.sha256()
body_hash = m.hexdigest()
body_hash = 'efbb5274864518f7eb3834125d9bcdb95fb03066d3d1bed3ebcc6163d8dc3579'
The body hash in the example above does not equal the body hash received from Plaid. There's 2 possible problems here:
Is there something I'm missing here? Perhaps the request body is encoded differently on my end? I'm using Node.js and Express in production but I made a Python script to follow the method Plaid outlined here, but I'm still not getting the correct hash. I'm honestly out of ideas.
It seems to be a problem with whitespace. If you modify body.json to have 2 spaces per ‘tab’ on each new line, it will generate the right hash.