
How to convert the inner value in an Option?

I have an Option that contains some JSON. If it is Some, the inner JSON must be converted, but if it is None, it must remain None.

This is how I have this implemented currently:

struct One;
struct Other;

impl One {
    pub fn convert(&self) -> Other {
        Other {}

fn example(attr: Option<One>) -> Option<Other> {
    match attr {
        Some(attr) => Some(attr.convert()),
        None => None,

I'm new to Rust and don't fully get the intricacies of when to use match, if let or when to use the ? operator.

Is my implementation idiomatic Rust? It seems rather verbose to me, and looks like a pattern that will occur all over the place, so I can imagine this can be handled far more concise; is that so?


  • Use Option::map:

    fn example_a(attr: Option<One>) -> Option<Other> {|v| v.convert())

    Since your function accepts a reference, you can also use Option::as_ref and then directly use the function inside of map instead of a closure:

    fn example_b(attr: Option<One>) -> Option<Other> {

    See also: