I have a counter that is the index of my array, on every button click the next element is showing. What I want to achieve is I want a specific text to show on the beginning and when index becomes 0 again and a different text on the in between numbers. Here is my code till now, the text stays the same but I am not sure what is wrong.
function App() {
const questions_size = Data.length;
const [num, setNum] = useState(0);
const current = Data[num].content;
const [buttonText, setButtonText] = useState("Παιξε");
const change_text = (text) => setButtonText(text);
const callTwoFunc = () => {
setNum(num + 1);
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={() => { num < questions_size - 1 ? callTwoFunc() : setNum(0); change_text("Παιξε"); }}>{buttonText}</Button>
<Card className={classes.root}>
<Typography variant="body1" gutterBottom>
<p style={{ fontFamily: 'Tangerine, serif', fontSize: '35px', textShadow: '4px 4px 4px #aaa' }}>{current}</p>
export default App;
For now it's only saying "Παιξε" but i want it become "Επόμενο" after my first click, and then when num becomes zero to become "Παίξε" again.
The problem is the change_text('Παιξε');
part of your onClick
function of the Button:
onClick={() => {
num < questions_size - 1 ? callTwoFunc() : setNum(0);
It will always change the button to Παιξε. It is easier to move that logic into callTwoFunc
const callTwoFunc = () => {
setNum(prev => {
if(prev < questions_size - 1) {
return prev + 1;
} else {
return 0;
And for the button as there are only two states, it is easier to do it directly instead of using state:
<Button>{num === 0 ? "Παιξε" : "Επομενο" }</Button>