Sorry if it is duplicate but i can't find anything usefull to me regarding Qt5. Is there any way to embed Xterm into Qt application using c++? I did it with python, but there is problem with resizing xterm on (at least with PyQt5) widget's container resize, in other words xterm doesn't resize, which is not acceptable.
So i want to try with Qt using c++. Python code (simplified) that worked was:
class embeddedTerminal(QWidget):
def __init__(self, bg='Black'):
def startXterm(self):
self._start_process('xterm',['-embed', str(int(self.winId())), "-bg",, "-fg", "green"])
def _start_process(self, prog, args):
child = QProcess()
child.start(prog, args)
object of embeddedTerminal was inserted into QTab widget later as:
term = embeddedTerminal()
tabwidget.insertTab(index, term, " Some descriptive text")
So i have tried to do similiar thing with c++ like this:
terminal.h :
class Terminal : public QWidget
explicit Terminal(Ui::SuperFalcon *ui) ;
Ui::SuperFalcon *lui;
terminal.cpp :
Terminal::Terminal(Ui::SuperFalcon *ui) : QWidget()
// lui=ui class with all of the Q elements
lui = ui;
QProcess *proc = new QProcess();
int i_wid = lui->tabWidget_2->winId();
QString s_wid = QString::fromStdString(to_string(i_wid));
cout << i_wid << endl;
QStringList qsl = {"-embed", s_wid, "-bg", "black", "-fg", "green"};
// QStringList qsl = {};
proc->start("/usr/bin/xterm", qsl);
and finally it is called in another cpp file that handles all of he gui elements with:
Terminal *term = new Terminal(ui);
ui->tabWidget_2->insertTab(0, term, "terminal");
I have xterm installed, when i call process with {} empty arguments it starts xterm normally, but when i send QStringList qsl with parameters it doesn't show anything.
Does anyone know how to fix it, i am guessing that window id might be the problem,but i am not that familiar with c++, especially with Qt which can be overwhelming coming from PyQt and python
The problem is that xterm does not have the "-embed" command (I don't know if it did) but you must use the "-into" command as the docs point out.
On the other hand, it is not necessary to access the tabwidget or create a QProcess pointer unnecessarily.
Considering the above then the solution is:
#ifndef TERMINAL_H
#define TERMINAL_H
#include <QWidget>
#include <QProcess>
class Terminal : public QWidget
explicit Terminal(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
QProcess process;
#endif // TERMINAL_H
#include "terminal.h"
Terminal::Terminal(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
QStringList qsl = {"-into", QString::number(winId()),
"-bg", "black",
"-fg", "green"};
process.start("/usr/bin/xterm", qsl);
Terminal *term = new Terminal;
ui->tabWidget_2->insertTab(0, term, "terminal");