I'm trying to map å (option-a) to ä (option-u, a) and Å (option-shift-a) to Ä (option-u, shift-a). I was able to figure out the first one:
"description": "German: å to ä",
"manipulators": [
"from": {
"key_code": "a",
"modifiers": {
"mandatory": [
"optional": [
"to": [
"key_code": "u",
"modifiers": ["left_option"]
"key_code": "a"
"type": "basic"
but I'm having trouble figuring out the second one. If I hold down shift, I end up with ¨A, not Ä.
Use Karabiner-EventViewer or Apple's Keyboard Viewer while doing it manually to see shift-option-u gets a bare ¨, option-u a gets ä and option-u shift-a gets Ä so was:
{"title": "German: å to ä",
"rules": [{"description": "⌥a to ä and ⇧⌥A to Ä.",
"manipulators": [
{"from": {"key_code": "a", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["option"],
"optional": ["caps_lock", "control", "command"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "u", "modifiers": ["option"]},
{"key_code": "a"}],
"type": "basic"},
{"from": {"key_code": "a", "modifiers": {"mandatory": ["option", "shift"],
"optional": ["caps_lock", "control", "command"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "u", "modifiers": ["option"]},
{"key_code": "a", "modifiers": ["shift"]}],
"type": "basic"}]}]}