
How to cypher-query against a named graph in Graph Catalog?

Creating a named graph from the main Neo4j Graph is documented. Beside, one also knows how to list, drop, check if a named graph already exists, e.g. CALL gds.graph.exists('my-store-graph') YIELD exists;

However, I wonder if there is any method for cypher-query against the just created named graph?

One workaround is to push this named graph into an offline/empty Neo4j Graph, i.e. CALL gds.beta.graph.export('my-graph', { dbName: 'mydatabase' }). However, this method is less convenient because we often want to check if the named graph is projected correcly before applying, e.g. PageRank on it. And the projection can be a trial-and-error cycle.


  • There is currently no other way of querying the named graph other than the workaround you already found.

    However, there are additional functions, e.g. gds.util.nodeProperty that allow you to access a node property in the named graph without writing it back to Neo4j. An example for querying a score property could look like this:

    CALL gds.graph.create('my-graph', 'User', 'LINK');
    CALL gds.pageRank.mutate('my-graph', { mutateProperty: 'score' });
    MATCH (user:User)
    WHERE = 'Alice'
    RETURN AS name,
        gds.util.nodeProperty('my-graph', id(user), 'score') AS score

    Could you maybe elaborate why your projections are "trial-and-error" cycles. Maybe an option is to run your validation queries on the subgraph you want to project?