
Programmatically creating AVPlayer results in constant CUICatalog warnings

I'm showing video in a collection view cell of an IGListKit powered list. This is the cell:

import AVKit

class ContentCell: UICollectionViewCell {
  static var vc: UIViewController?

  func setup() {
    if media.fileType.starts(with: "video/") {
      return setupVideo()

  var videoVC: AVPlayerViewController?
  func setupVideo() {
    guard let vc = ContentCell.vc else {
    guard let videoVC = videoVC else {
      let videoVC = AVPlayerViewController()
      self.videoVC = videoVC

    videoVC.view.frame = bounds
    videoVC.player = AVPlayer(url: URL(string: media.originalSource!)!)

And as soon as I start playing the video (it does play!) and scrolling the list a little, I constantly get this error:

2020-06-04 14:44:01.171138-0400 App[90104:5433754] [framework] CUICatalog: Invalid asset name supplied: '(null)'

Setting a breakpoint on runtime issues doesn't shed much light: Screenshot

Any ideas?


  • I can't believe I didn't test this. But the error does indeed only happen on the Simulator. On-device it's fine. Solved.

    Update: Ran into the same issue again. Maybe I never actually solved it in the first place? It's been too long to know for certain. But to solve the error

    Invalid asset name supplied: '(null)'

    You can find the answer here:

    This is caused by setting the selected image field on a tab bar item in the storyboard. Clearing this field clears the error.