Mind the following Haskell program:
-- A HOAS term, non-polymorphic for simplicity
data Term
= Lam (Term -> Term)
| App Term Term
| Num Int
-- Doubles every constant in a term
fun0 :: Term -> Term
fun0 (Lam b) = Lam (\ x -> fun0 (b x))
fun0 (App f x) = App (fun0 f) (fun0 x)
fun0 (Num i) = Num (i * 2)
-- Same function, using a continuation-passing style
fun1 :: Term -> (Term -> a) -> a
fun1 (Lam b) cont = undefined
fun1 (App f x) cont = fun1 f (\ f' -> fun1 x (\ x' -> cont (App f' x')))
fun1 (Num i) cont = cont (Num (i * 2))
-- Sums all nums inside a term
summ :: Term -> Int
summ (Lam b) = summ (b (Num 0))
summ (App f x) = summ f + summ x
summ (Num i) = i
-- Example
main :: IO ()
main = do
let term = Lam $ \ x -> Lam $ \ y -> App (App x (Num 1)) (App y (Num 2))
print (summ term) -- prints 3
print (summ (fun0 term)) -- prints 6
print (fun1 term $ \ t -> summ t) -- a.hs: Prelude.undefined
Here, Term
is a (non-polymorphic) λ-term with numeric constants, and fun0
is a function that doubles all constants inside a term. Is it possible to rewrite fun0
in a continuation-passing style? In other words, is it possible to complete the undefined
case of the fun1
function such that it behaves identically to fun0
and such that the last print
outputs 6
If you want to convert this function to CPS, you need to also convert the function within the data type:
data Term' a
= Lam' (Term' a -> (Term' a -> a) -> a)
| App' (Term' a) (Term' a)
| Num' Int
Then you can write your fun1
fun1 :: Term' a -> (Term' a -> a) -> a
fun1 (Lam' b) cont = cont (Lam' (\ x cont' -> b x cont'))
fun1 (App' f x) cont = fun1 f (\ f' -> fun1 x (\ x' -> cont (App' f' x')))
fun1 (Num' i) cont = cont (Num' (i * 2))
And with the appropriate tweak to summ
summ' :: Term' Int -> Int
summ' (Lam' b) = b (Num' 0) summ'
summ' (App' f x) = summ' f + summ' x
summ' (Num' i) = i
As well as a CPS term:
term' = Lam' $ \ x k -> k $ Lam' $ \ y k' -> k' $ App' (App' x (Num' 1)) (App' y (Num' 2))
You can run the computation just fine:
> fun1 term' summ'