I grabbed this code,
const Circle = posed.div({
attention: {
scale: 1.3,
transition: {
type: 'spring',
stiffness: 200,
damping: 0
And I am doing:
<Circle />
But, nothing happens. Am I missing something?
you need to create two states for the posed.div
const Circle = posed.div({
attention: {
scale: 1.3,
transition: {
type: "spring",
stiffness: 200,
damping: 0
rest: {
scale: 1
then you need to pass state to your Circle and some styles to make this component red and circle ( doesn't do it for you)
pose={isLoading ? "attention" : "rest"}
here is the working solution
But I am not sure that it is the best way to make loaders because is a tool to animate transitions between states. I can propose you to use pure css loader (