
Getting DNS Records from an Active Directory zone by IP Addresses

I am trying to run the following query against my DNS zone to return records based on the IP addresses and having no luck, the script runs but just empty output.

Get-Content ip.txt| ForEach {
    Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -zonename "xxx.global" | where-object {$_.RecordData.ipv4address -eq "$_"}

The contents of the ip.txt file is like this:


I tried modifying my original command which works fine, but I want to run it against a list of IPs..

Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -zonename "xxx.global" | where-object {$_.RecordData.ipv4address -eq ""}

Single line command works fine

What am i doing wrong?


  • You're using $_ to refer to different objects in your Where-Object.

    where-object {$_.RecordData.ipv4address -eq "$_"}
                 ^^^^                           ^^^^

    $_ is only set to one object at a time. If you start another pipeline, the previous value is going to be gone.

    You'll need to do something like this:

    $IPs = Get-Content ip.txt
    foreach ($IP in $IPs) {
        Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -zonename "xxx.global" | where-object { $_.RecordData.ipv4address -eq $IP }

    You may also need to remove the double quotes from ip.txt. The IP is, not "".