
trigger in PL/SQL

There are two tables given:


gross = basic+da


sal_hist(eno, sys_dt, old_basic)

How to write a trigger to update the 'da' and 'gross' whenever I am updating basic salary of the employee?


  • PL/SQL tag suggests that you use Oracle database.

    You said that there's yet another table, sal_hist, but - you didn't say what to do with it. I presume you'd want to save the old basic salary.

    In that case, trigger would look like this:

    SQL> create or replace trigger trg_biu_emp
      2    before insert or update on employee
      3    for each row
      4  begin
      5    insert into sal_hist(eno, sys_dt, old_basic) values
      6      (:new.eno, sysdate, :old.basic);
      8    :new.da := :new.basic * 5 / 100;
      9    :new.gross := :new.basic + :new.da;
     10  end;
     11  /
    Trigger created.

    Let's see how it works:

    SQL> select * From employee;
           ENO ENAME      BASIC         DA      GROSS
    ---------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------
             1 Scott        100          0          0
             2 Tiger        500          0          0
    SQL> select * From sal_hist;
    no rows selected
    SQL> update employee set basic = 200 where eno = 1;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> insert into employee (eno, ename, basic) values (3, 'King', 1000);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * From employee;
           ENO ENAME      BASIC         DA      GROSS
    ---------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------
             1 Scott        200         10        210
             2 Tiger        500          0          0
             3 King        1000         50       1050
    SQL> select * From sal_hist;
           ENO SYS_DT               OLD_BASIC
    ---------- ------------------- ----------
             1 06.06.2020 11:10:49        100
             3 06.06.2020 11:12:07