
Debug assertion (invalid comparator) when sorting in a QTreeWidget

I've the following custom QTreeWidgetItem that I use in my QTreeWidget:


#include <QTreeWidgetItem>

class FederateListItem : public QTreeWidgetItem {

  enum Type : int {
    Federate = 101,
    FederateNamespace = 102


  FederateListItem(QTreeWidget* parent, Type type);
  FederateListItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parent, Type type);


  bool operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const;
  bool operator==(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const;

#include "FederateListItem.hpp"

// CONSTANTS SECTION                                                         //

const QString FederateNamespaceCloseIcon{ ":/icons/FederateNamespaceActive.png" };
const QString FederateIcon(":/icons/FederateActive.png");

// PUBLIC SECTION                                                            //

FederateListItem::FederateListItem(QTreeWidget* parent, Type type) :
  QTreeWidgetItem(parent, static_cast<int>(type)) {
  switch (type) {
  case Type::Federate: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateIcon));
  } break;
  case Type::FederateNamespace: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateNamespaceCloseIcon));
  } break;
  default: {


FederateListItem::FederateListItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parent, Type type) :
  QTreeWidgetItem(parent, static_cast<int>(type)) {
  switch (type) {
  case Type::Federate: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateIcon));
  } break;
  case Type::FederateNamespace: {
    setIcon(0, QIcon(FederateNamespaceCloseIcon));
  } break;
  default: {


// PUBLIC MEMBER OPERATORS SECTION                                           //

bool FederateListItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  if ((type() == Type::FederateNamespace) && (other.type() == Type::Federate)) {
    return true;
  return text(0) < other.text(0);

bool FederateListItem::operator==(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  return (type() == other.type()) && (text(0) == other.text(0));

Basically I need to use two types of items: a federate one that's a leaf, and a federatenamespace one that can contains federate and federatenamespace child items.

I want to sort them so, at any level, I have first all federatenamespace items, and then federates one. Like in Windows Explorer that I see first folders and then files.

In order to accomplish this in my custom item I've added some operator methods: first I check the type of the item and I try to give precedente to FederateNamespace items, so they should be shown first. If the type is the same, order them by their name.

Then I create the QTreeWidget:

  m_tree = new QTreeWidget(this);
  m_tree->setHeaderLabels({ FederatesLabel });

When I start to add items of the same type everything seems to work, as I can see:



The problem is that sorting does not work. You can see in images that sort is not performed. And if I try to mix elements, an assertion is raised.


The assertion is raised by Qt and says that the comparator is invalid.

What I'm doing wrong and how can I fix this?


I've followed Scheff suggestion and with a little tweak not it works. The problem was my operator method. This works:

bool FederateListItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
  if ((type() == Type::FederateNamespace) && (other.type() == Type::Federate)) {
    return false;
  if ((type() == Type::Federate) && (other.type() == Type::FederateNamespace)) {
    return true;
  return text(0) > other.text(0);


  • My guess written in comment:

    You don't consider the case that (type() == Type::Federate) && (other.type() == Type::FederateNamespace) which should result in false regardless of the text(0)s. I know this VS error and it results from an assert which checks !(B < A) for A < B to ensure that the strict order is achieved/granted by the predicate.

    My proposal for a fixed less operator:

    bool FederateListItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem& other) const {
      if (type() != other.type()) return type() == Type::FederateNamespace;
      return text(0) < other.text(0);