I'm working on a button where I have a project document open and a family document open. I'm trying to close the family document however I'm getting an error saying:
Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException: 'Close is not allowed when there is any open sub-transaction, transaction, or transaction group.'
I've checked all of my transactions and they are all started and committed using transactionName.Start(document)
and transactionName.Commit()
does anyone know of a way to check for any ongoing active transactions?
I have also tried using
'RevitCommandId closeDoc = RevitCommandId.LookupPostableCommandId(PostableCommand.Close);
however that tends to only want to close my project document.
///////////////////////////////////UPDATE///////////////////////////// soooo I just found out I didn't need to use uiapp.OpenAndActivateDocument(). I didn't know you could edit a family without opening the document. That solves my problem. I'm still curious if there's a way to check for open transactions though.
Yes there is a way to check for open Transactions and its quite helpful in making flexible helper-functions. The Document
object has an IsModifiable
property - essentially if a Transaction is open, then this will be True.
I use it like this:
autoTransaction = False
if not document.IsModifiable:
t = Transaction(document, 'New Transaction cause no transaction was open')
autoTransaction = True
# go ahead and modify the database
if autoTransaction:
Its served me well so far, hope this helps!