I'm using Android material components library's latest (1.3.0-alpha01) version to display a range slider (slider with two thumbs). Now need to customize the labels and always show each thumb's value over the thumbs in TextView (without any drawables or default flags, see attached picture). How can I make labelBehavior
always visible and show the thumb values in custom view when user drags them?
To change the background color of the label you can use a custom style:
<style name="Myslider" parent="@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.Slider">
<item name="labelStyle">@style/My_Tooltip</item>
<item name="materialThemeOverlay">@style/ThemeOverlay.Slider</item>
<style name="My_Tooltip" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Tooltip">
<!-- background color of the Tooltip -->
<item name="backgroundTint">@color/...</item>
<style name="ThemeOverlay.Slider" parent="">
<!-- color used by the text in the Tooltip -->
<item name="colorOnPrimary">@color/...</item>
To customize the value in the label you can a LabelFormatter
Something like:
RangeSlider slider = findViewById(R.id.slider);
slider.setLabelFormatter(new LabelFormatter() {
public String getFormattedValue(float value) {
//It is just an example
if (value == 3.0f)
return "TEST";
return String.format(Locale.US, "%.0f", value);
About the behavior of the label there are only these values (with 1.2.0-beta01
and 1.3.0-alpha01)
: The label will only be visible on interaction. It will float above the slider and may cover views above this one. This is the default and recommended behavior.LABEL_WITHIN_BOUNDS
: The label will only be visible on interaction. The label will always be drawn within the bounds of this view. This means extra space will be visible above the slider when the label is not visible.LABEL_GONE
: The label will never be drawn.Currently it seems impossible to show always the label.
You can set the label behavior using the setLabelBehavior
method or the labelBehavior
in the layout or in a style.
If you want to change the shape of the label you can check this answer.