Writing chat app using kotlin, historically from nodejs I have websocket json objects in/output format:
{"action": "join:chatroom", "payload", "chatroom-name"}
{"action": "leave:chatroom", "payload", "chatroom-name"}
{"action": "message", "payload", {"id": 1, "text": "blah", "user": {"name": "Roman"}}}
{"action": "notification", "payload", {"id": 1, "verb": "blah", "user": {"name": "Roman"}}}
trying to adopt kotlinx serialization to be able to work with this type of approach with no luck
seems like sealed class
is the closest what I can try but how to change type
to action
took this approach https://ahsensaeed.com/sealed-classes-kotlinx-serialization-deserialization/ trying to do something like:
sealed class BackendAction{
data class Auth(
// val action: String = "authorize",
val payload: String = ""
) : BackendAction()
class BackendActionSerializer {
private val sealedModule = SerializersModule {
polymorphic(BackendAction::class) {
BackendAction.Auth::class with BackendAction.Auth.serializer()
private val serializer: KSerializer<BackendAction>
get() = BackendAction.serializer()
val format: StringFormat
get() = Json(configuration = JsonConfiguration(classDiscriminator = "action"), context = sealedModule)
fun toStringT(json: String): BackendAction {
return format.parse(serializer, json)
fun toTString(t: BackendAction): String {
return format.stringify(serializer, t)
and call:
val act = BackendAction.Auth("blah")
val serializer = BackendActionSerializer()
val data = serializer.toTString(act)
gives {"action":"com.project.path.BackendAction.Auth","payload":"blah"}
so I need mapping com.project.path.BackendAction.Auth
to authorize
answering my question:
it was easy :)
sealed class BackendAction{
data class Auth(
var payload: String = ""
) : BackendAction()
working web ui for this chat app here: https://www.lonje.com/
do the trick
sealed class BackendAction{
data class Auth(
var payload: String = ""
) : BackendAction()