I manage to ingest data successfully using below code
var kcsbDM = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(
using (var ingestClient = KustoIngestFactory.CreateDirectIngestClient(kcsbDM))
var ingestProps = new KustoQueuedIngestionProperties("testdb", "TraceLog");
ingestProps.ReportLevel = IngestionReportLevel.FailuresOnly;
ingestProps.ReportMethod = IngestionReportMethod.Queue;
ingestProps.Format = DataSourceFormat.json;
//generate datastream and columnmapping
ingestProps.IngestionMapping = new IngestionMapping() {
IngestionMappings = columnMappings };
var ingestionResult = ingestClient.IngestFromStream(memStream, ingestProps);
when I try to use QueuedClient and IngestFromStreamAsync, the code is executed successfully but no any data is ingested into database even after 30 minutes
var kcsbDM = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(
using (var ingestClient = KustoIngestFactory.CreateQueuedIngestClient(kcsbDM))
var ingestProps = new KustoQueuedIngestionProperties("testdb", "TraceLog");
ingestProps.ReportLevel = IngestionReportLevel.FailuresOnly;
ingestProps.ReportMethod = IngestionReportMethod.Queue;
ingestProps.Format = DataSourceFormat.json;
//generate datastream and columnmapping
ingestProps.IngestionMapping = new IngestionMapping() {
IngestionMappings = columnMappings };
var ingestionResult = ingestClient.IngestFromStreamAsync(memStream, ingestProps);
I find the reason finally, need to enable stream ingestion in the table:
.alter table TraceLog policy streamingingestion enable
See the Azure documentation for details.