I am generating the 3 following Google Directions API url with the Java Client:
Result -> duration: 11:40 & durationInTraffic: 12:08 ->
Result -> duration: 11:17 & durationInTraffic: 11:52 ->
Result -> duration: 08:20 & durationInTraffic: 08:46 ->
As you can see, the URLs contain the same parameters, but they are reordered (it is normal for the waypoints to be reordered since when I generate the URL I might get them in a different order, but not sure why the other stuff is reordered though...).
Even though I am using waypoints optimization, the URLs give different results.
Can someone explain why is this hapenning?
Code to make the requests:
GeographicPoint origin = route.getRoute().get(0);
GeographicPoint destination = route.getRoute().get(route.getRoute().size() - 1);
List<Waypoint> waypoints = new ArrayList<>();
route.getRoute().subList(1, route.getRoute().size() - 1).forEach(waypoint -> {
waypoints.add(new Waypoint(new LatLng(waypoint.getLatitude(), waypoint.getLongitude()), false));
DirectionsResult result = DirectionsApi.newRequest(geoApiContext)
.origin(new LatLng(origin.getLatitude(), origin.getLongitude()))
.destination(new LatLng(destination.getLatitude(), destination.getLongitude()))
.waypoints(waypoints.toArray(new Waypoint[0]))
Found out the problem.
According to Google Directions API documentation, you cannot use waypoint optimization when the waypoints are not stopovers.
However, I wanted my waypoints to necessarily be stopovers so I can get an estimation for the durationInTraffic
, but I also wanted to have waypoints optimization.
Solution: do 2 requests: