
Getting polyfill "vminpoly" working with internal CSS

On Saabi's github for vminpoly, a vw and vh unit polyfill (, it says:

Only linked stylesheets are being parsed right now but it's very easy to also parse 'style' elements.

How would vw and vh CSS inside style elements work with vminpoly?


  • You could refer to the code below to support vh, vw in particular:

    (function($, window) {
      var $win = $(window),
        _css = $.fn.css;
      function viewportToPixel(val) {
        var percent = val.match(/\d+/)[0] / 100,
          unit = val.match(/[vwh]+/)[0];
        return (unit == 'vh' ? $win.height() : $win.width()) * percent + 'px';
      function parseProps(props) {
        var p, prop;
        for (p in props) {
          prop = props[p];
          if (/[vwh]$/.test(prop)) {
            props[p] = viewportToPixel(prop);
        return props;
      $.fn.css = function(props) {
        var self = this,
          update = function() {
            return, parseProps($.extend({}, props)));
        return update();
    }(jQuery, window));
      height: '50vh',
      width: '50vw',
      marginTop: '25vh',
      marginLeft: '25vw',
      fontSize: '10vw'
    body {
      margin: 0;
    div {
      background: #fa7098;
    <script src=""></script>

    The result in IE is like this:

    enter image description here