
Best Curl Package/Replacement in NodeJS

I was looking through other posts for replacements for Curl in nodejs, especially with complex behaviors as such:

 -H 'Authorization: Basic MjJCTUpROjczNzY0YzkwOWQ2MDczZDRjYzA0YWZhZDBlMDVhMThm' \
 --data "clientId=22BMJQ" \
 --data "grant_type=authorization_code" \
 --data "" \
 --data "code=5f10eff73e8daf2049be22bb079beee57036c7a5" \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \

Are there any packages you would recommend or have ideas on how the above request could be replicated in nodejs?


  • In case you don't only want to call OAuth 2.0 endpoints but also other endpoints with the curl alternative, I made good experiences with node-fetch. The code with node-fetch is more readable and you can work with response very easily in JavaScript.