I want to do a group by on my dataset on multiple columns that I don't know them from before hand, so the .agg() allow to pass a Map where the key is column name and the value is the aggreation name, for example I can do this:
for(String column:columns)
map.put(column, "sum");
It's good till here, but I want to keep the original columns name and not having something like this
I have tried to do this but it didn't work:
map.put(column, "sum alias " + column);
Is it possible to do this with java api?
Try this-
I've provided the column name as alias to
Dataset<Row> df = spark.range(2).withColumn("value", lit(2));
* +---+-----+
* |id |value|
* +---+-----+
* |0 |2 |
* |1 |2 |
* +---+-----+
* root
* |-- id: long (nullable = false)
* |-- value: integer (nullable = false)
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for(String column:df.columns())
map.put(column, "sum");
List<Column> cols = map.entrySet().stream().map(c -> expr(String.format("%s(%s) as %s", c.getValue(), c.getKey(), c.getKey())))
df.agg(cols.get(0), toScalaSeq(cols.subList(1, cols.size()))).show(false);
* +---+-----+
* |id |value|
* +---+-----+
* |1 |4 |
* +---+-----+
<T> Buffer<T> toScalaSeq(List<T> list) {
return JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(list);