
Is .NET 3.5 a reasonable pre-requisite for a media center plugin?

We have an open source media center plug-in. At the moment its download size is one measly megabyte.

If I change my plug-in to require .NET 3.5, users may have to download 197 megs just to be able to use my plug-in.

I am in the middle of a big refactoring process, and am aching to use some of the functional aspects of LINQ, which would considerably reduce the complexity of our codebase.

Is .NET 3.5 a reasonable pre-requisite for my application? My entire user base already have .NET 3.0 installed.


  • I think it's acceptable for an open source project. Windows 7, the next version of Windows, will come with .NET 3.5. And: the probability that the XP and Vista users will already have installed 3.5 for other programs increases from month to month.

    P.S.: I'm using your Media Center plugin. I am sure I'll do that 3.5 setup.