Okay so when I try to use this code calling it from the linux command line:
import bzrlib
from bzrlib.branch import Branch
from bzrlib import log
from bzrlib import repository
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-r', '--revnum', type=int, metavar='', required=True, help='Baseline revision number')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory',type=str, metavar='',required=True,help='Directory that repository in question is located')
args = parser.parse_args()
r1= args.revnum
d1= args.directory
print ''
print 'Directory containing repository: '+ (d1)
print ''
print ("Input revision number: %s" %(r1))
print ''
b = Branch.open (d1)
I get this error message no matter what I put in place of revison_ids.
must be called with Repository instance as first argument
I don't know how to utilize this bzrlib function and it should do exactly what I want it to do if I can get it to actually give me an output. I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
You shouldn't be using Repository._find_parent_ids_of_revisions - it will change between versions of the library.
Instead, call either Repository.get_revision or Repository.get_parent_map to get the parents of a revision.
You can open a Repository with the Repository.open call (which takes a path as argument), or if you already have a branch (as you do in this case), you can use the "repository" attribute on the "Branch" object, like so:
b = Branch.open(d1)
revid = b.dotted_revno_to_revision((r1, ))
parent_ids = b.repository.get_revision(revid).parent_ids