
R strwidth - "Times New Roman" font alias on Linux

I am using strwidth() function (see link below) and looking for a solution to define font-alias for Times New Roman on Linux

R Graph - graphical string measurement

Could we define font-alias as described for svglite in below link



  • Most Linux distros use Fontconfig to define font aliases. These should be respected by most of the graphical devices that R uses.

    For example, to define Tinos as an alias for Times New Roman, you can add the following lines to the file ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf, between the <fontconfig> and </fontconfig> tags.

        <test name="family"><string>Times New Roman</string></test>
        <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="strong">

    Note that, if ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf does not exist already, you will need to create it and put the following lines into it first

    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>

    If you want to apply these changes system wide rather than just for one user, then instead edit etc/fonts/local.conf instead.