
How can we pass variable in oscmd command in sas

I am using oscmd command to run some operating system operation from sas, but want to make it generic by passing the varible in oscmd command. I am using below code: %global name =skstar; filename oscmd pipe "python --inputvar=&name."; The value of variable'name'is not replace in command.

EDIT: the above part is working now , its just a quotation mistake. but wanted to know the way to abort the oscmd cli command ,if in case parameter value passed is wrong


  • maybe your datastep is wrong but you not write there. It's work fine:

    %let name=test words;
    filename oscmd pipe "echo &name.";
    data _null_;
     infile oscmd;
     put _infile_;
    NOTE: The infile OSCMD is:
          Unnamed Pipe Access Device,
          PROCESS=echo test words,RECFM=V,LRECL=32767
    test words
    NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile OSCMD.
          The minimum record length was 10.
          The maximum record length was 10.
    NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
          real time           0.18 seconds
          cpu time            0.03 seconds