I am using oscmd command to run some operating system operation from sas, but want to make it generic by passing the varible in oscmd command.
I am using below code:
%global name =skstar; filename oscmd pipe "python test.py --inputvar=&name.";
The value of variable'name'is not replace in command.
EDIT: the above part is working now , its just a quotation mistake. but wanted to know the way to abort the oscmd cli command ,if in case parameter value passed is wrong
maybe your datastep is wrong but you not write there. It's work fine:
%let name=test words;
filename oscmd pipe "echo &name.";
data _null_;
infile oscmd;
put _infile_;
NOTE: The infile OSCMD is:
Unnamed Pipe Access Device,
PROCESS=echo test words,RECFM=V,LRECL=32767
test words
NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile OSCMD.
The minimum record length was 10.
The maximum record length was 10.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.18 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds