I coded an app in Python and kivy and it works well in PyCharm and I tried to convert it into an actual Mac app through Xcode 10.1. When I build and run the code to get the simulation, the building fails and I get this error. I assume that the TypeError is the issue. Inside my code, I have SQL queries, so I've removed the comma and added '%' instead. When a tuple is called to fill in the variables, it doesn't work. Maybe it is not the error after all?! Any ideas?
It could be a simple case like (or similar):
print ("The area of your shape is: ", (a*b))
# ^
You forgot a comma.
Or, you may have a variable named str
If you're still unable to solve then try a Trial & Error
method to scrutinize where exactly the error may be stemming from, i.e. delete/comment out code that you think could be the root cause of this and you will eventually locate it.