I'm trying to emulate execution of certain functions from scripts of other app. That app have Lua library which contains function list()
, it returns table where key is string UUID and value just string, like local tbl = { "0000..-0000-..." = "someString", etc... }
. That table can be iterated in for loop, like
local lib = require("someLibrary.lua");
for key, value in lib.list() do
-- do something with keys and values, like print
-- or it can be used like this
local tbl = lib.list();
for key, value in tbl do -- tbl works as pairs(tbl) and works exactly how code on top
-- do something with keys and values, like print
So the question, how do I implement __call metamethod to work as pairs() or next() etc.?
Yes! I've managed to find answer to my question. I've found source code of library that I trying to replicate. It actually uses local variables to iterate through table
Here is a code how I made lib.list()
and lst
function lib.list(filter, exact)
if filter == nil then filter = '' end;
if exact == nil then exact = false end;
local list = Component.list(filter, exact); -- just gets table from app that written in C#, treat like someClass.getSomeTable()
local list_mt = {}; -- metatable that assigns to above "list" table
local key = nil; -- key that will be used in iterator
function list_mt.__call() -- __call metamethod for "list" table
key = next(list, key);
if key then
return key, list[key]
return setmetatable(list, list_mt); -- return table with assigned metatable that contains __call metamethod