
Empty documentation.json in Compodocs + Storybook + Angular 9

I started to use compodoc + storybook in a Angular 9 project.

Installed all the dependencies and Storybook is working fine, but for some reason the documentation.json generated by compodoc is empty, like this:

    "pipes": [],
    "interfaces": [],
    "injectables": [],
    "classes": [],
    "directives": [],
    "components": [],
    "modules": [],
    "miscellaneous": [],
    "routes": [],
    "coverage": {
        "count": 0,
        "status": "low",
        "files": []

The command I'm using is:

compodoc -p .storybook/tsconfig.json -e json -d ./.storybook

And my tsconfig.json is:

  "extends": "../src/",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [
  "exclude": [
  "include": [
  "files": [

Any ideas of what may be wrong?


  • After switching from -p to -p tsconfig.json it worked. We have both files, but I think compodoc does not understand that extends the tsconfig.json file since both are written in JSON and there is no such thing as dependency.
