
Get multiple polygons for scattered data in R

I have point cloud data of an area (x,y,z coordinates) The plot of X and Y looks like: enter image description here

I am trying to get polygons of different clusters in this data. I tried the following:

points <- df [,1:2] # x and y coordinates 
pts <- st_as_sf(points, coords=c('X','Y'))
conc <- concaveman(pts, concavity = 0.5, length_threshold = 0)

Seems like I just get a single polygon binding the whole data. conc$polygons is a list of one variable. How can I define multiple polygons? What am I missing when I am using concaveman and what all it can provide?


  • It's hard to tell from your example what variable defines your clusters. Below is an example with some simulated clusters using ggplot2 and data.table (adapted from here).

    # Simulate data:
    n_cluster = 50
    centroids = cbind.data.frame(
      x=rnorm(5, mean = 0, sd=5),
      y=rnorm(5, mean = 0, sd=5)
    dt = rbindlist(
        function(i) {
          cluster_dt = data.table(
            x = rnorm(n_cluster, mean = centroids$x[i]),
            y = rnorm(n_cluster, mean = centroids$y[i]),
            cluster = i
    # Find convex hull of each point by cluster:
    hulls = dt[,.SD[chull(x,y)],by=.(cluster)]
    # Plot:
    p = ggplot(data = dt, aes(x=x, y=y, colour=cluster)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_polygon(data = hulls,aes(fill=cluster,alpha = 0.5)) +

    This produces the following output:

    Polygon plot with simulated clusters.


    If you don't have predefined clusters, you can use a clustering algorithm. As a simple example, see below for a solution using kmeans with 5 centroids.

    # Estimate clusters (e.g. kmeans):
    dt[,km_cluster := as.factor(kmeans(.SD,5)$cluster),.SDcols=c("x","y")]
    # Find convex hull of each point:
    hulls = dt[,.SD[chull(x,y)],by=.(km_cluster)]
    # Plot:
    p = ggplot(data = dt, aes(x=x, y=y, colour=km_cluster)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_polygon(data = hulls,aes(fill=km_cluster,alpha = 0.5)) +

    In this case the output for the estimated clusters is almost equivalent to the constructed ones.

    Polygon plot with clustered estimated from k-means.