I'm trying to upload image to CloudConvert, convert it to PNG and resize it with ImageMagick.
import CloudConvert from 'cloudconvert';
const cloudConvert = new CloudConvert('api_key');
let job = await cloudConvert.jobs.create({
"tasks": {
"upload_thumbnail": {
"operation": "import/upload"
"convert_thumbnail": {
"operation": "convert",
"input": [
"output_format": "png",
"filename": "thumbnail.png"
"resize_2x_thumbnail": {
"operation": "command",
"engine": "imagemagick",
"input": [
"command": "convert",
"arguments": "{INPUTFILE} -resize 330x330 {OUTPUTFILE}",
"engine_version": "7.0.9"
I'm trying it in snadbox, the file is uploaded correctly, converted to png, but resize returns:
ERROR UNKNOWN_ERROR convert: no images defined '{OUTPUTFILE}' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3273. upload_thumbnail import/upload FINISHED
As there is no example or documentation how to pass parameters to the command, I'm stucked.
In API v2, you need to specify paths like this:
"arguments": "/input/convert_thumbnail/thumbnail.png -resize 330x330 /output/thumbnail.png"