I run a regression with a fixed-effect that has multiple outcomes. I want to only plot that fixed-effect variable. I don't like the way coefplot does the ticks and labels. Let me give an example.
sysuse auto
reg price i.rep78
coefplot, vertical drop(_cons)
Now the x-ticks are "Repair Record 1978=2", ... "Repair Record 1978=5"
. This is very lengthy. I will only plot this variable, so I would rather have the "Repair Record 1978" elsewhere, either in title or as a legend. The x-ticks I would rather have only "2", "3", .. "5"
. How could I achieve something like this the easiest using coefplot?
You can give the coefficients different names with the rename
option, and to control the look of the graph you can use twoway options documented in help twoway_options
coefplot, vertical drop(_cons) rename(*.rep78 = "") title("Repair Record 1978")
The best way to find out about options in coefplot
would be to type in Stata: help coefplot