
How to inner join and parse data as JSON using json1

For example, let's say I've a table called Movie with 2 columns - [id,title]


1, killbill
2, endgame

and another table as Cast with 2 columns - [id,name]


1, Uma
1, David
2, Robert

Cast table has actors and id is same as movie.

The output I want from SELECT query is something like:

1, killbill, [uma,David]
2, endgame,[Robert]

What I tried:

select m.*,json_array(c.name) from movie m inner join cast c on c.id = m.id  

But it returns:

1   killbill    [David]
1   killbill    [Uma]
2   endgame     [Robert]

Please suggest the right way to group data. I also tried group by, but then it returns less data.

If I use json_group_array, I get only one movie with all cast

1   killbill    ["David","Uma","Robert"]


  • You must group by movie and use the aggregate function json_group_array() instead of json_array():

    select m.id, m.title, json_group_array(c.name) names
    from movie m inner join cast c 
    on c.id = m.id 
    group by m.id, m.title

    See the demo.

    | id  | title    | names           |
    | --- | -------- | --------------- |
    | 1   | killbill | ["David","Uma"] |
    | 2   | endgame  | ["Robert"]      |