I want to make the program under
" catkin_ws/src/realsense-ros-3.2.13/realsense2_camera "
directory from the "ros wrapper site" transfer realsense data to other devices.
I've chosen to use ".cpp file" since I've already made the program which uses C++ and realsense camera.
I want to know the relationships of the files inside " realsense2_camera/src " directory and how and where the executable files appears after catkin_make etc., because I want to remodel that file(s),if it's able to transfer the realsense data to other Devices to do it.
I think it's related with roscpp_tutorials, rospy_tutorials and beginner_tutorials' Publisher and Subscriber Programs and I was able to make Publisher and Subscriber Programs communicating with different Devices, though I don't know about the theory of why they run. (how and where the executable files appears)
Device OS: ubuntu 18.04 Device HW: Jetson nano rosdistro: melodic python: Python 2.7.17 Realsense ROS Wrapper: 2.2.13 Realsense Viewer Version: 2.34.0 Camera: D435 D435 Firmware:
Thank you for your information.
I've been wandering why I couldn't get the D435's Data, but I solved it.
Starting "realsense-viewer" when "roslaunch" the ".launch file" and restarting the "Terminal" SEVERAL TIME can make "default .launch file" launch, so re-writing the "launch file" might be able to move the C++/Python file(s).
And I think your " include 'ing method" will make the problem simple to solve.