When I executed that same code on my laptop using Jupyter, I got the following error
Traceback (most recent call last) in # form cycles)
excludedPages = filter(isInternalNode, getChildren("http://www.quora.com/directory"))
AttributeError: 'filter' object has no attribute 'append'
The code is here- https://github.com/jessicatysu/quora/blob/master/numfollowers.py
This code is for Python 2 - you can see print
without ()
which works only in Python 2.
But Python 2 has also other differences. In Python 2 filter()
creates list
but in Python 3 filter()
is "lazy" and it doesn't create list at once and in some situations you have to use list()
to convert filter()
to list
And you have to do it before you use append()
excludedPages = list(filter(...))
Here is code which runs without error.
In code you can see comments # changed
with more information.
But problem is that this script is 7 years old (from 2013) and Quora
changed HTML:
doesn't display list of usersGDPR
General Data Protection
can't run JavaScriptso code is useless :)
You would have to use Selenium
to control real web browser which can run JavaScript. And you would have to analyze web pages to create new code.
# Grabs N people randomly from the directory using reservoir sampling, then
# counts the number of followers they have. I never got to run this script
# to completion because Quora blocked the script before I added the rate
# limits.
import mechanize
import random
import http.cookiejar as cookielib # changed: in Python 3 module `cookielib` was renamed to `http.cookiejar`
import re
from time import sleep
FOLLOWERS_FILE = "followers.txt"
USERS_FILE = "users.txt"
ERR_LOG = "errors.txt"
err = open(ERR_LOG, 'w')
# Randomly chosen Quora users (written in the form of links to Quora
# profiles)
users = []
curUserIdx = 1
# Regular expressions that will be used multiple times
leaf = re.compile("-") # Separator between first and last names!
internalNode = re.compile("directory/page")
fnum = re.compile("Followers.*>([0-9]+)<.*Following")
# We use this function to open pages instead of br.open to avoid putting a
# high load on Quora's servers. This means the script takes a lot longer
# though - estimated time 1 day for 2 million users. (21400 page accesses
# * 4 seconds per access = 23.8 hours.)
def openPage(site):
print('[DEBUG] openPage:', site) # changed: add only for debug
result = br.open(site) # changed: add `result =`
return result # changed: add `return result`
# Gets child links
def getChildren(node):
return ["http://www.quora.com" + link.url for link in br.links()]
print("Could not get children of " + node)
err.write("Could not get children of " + node)
return []
# Checks to see if the link is a user profile.
def isLeaf(node):
return leaf.search(node)
# Checks to see if the link is an intermediate node in the directory.
def isInternalNode(node):
return internalNode.search(node)
# Checks to see if the page is part of the people directory
def inPeopleDirectory(node):
page = openPage(node)
html = page.read()
except Exception as ex: # changed: display some info about problem
print('ex:', ex) # changed: display some info about problem
print("Could not open site " + node)
err.write("Could not open site " + node)
return False
# --- change : add decode with try/except ---
html = html.decode('utf-8')
print("Could not decode HTML using UTF-8 " + node)
err.write("Could not decode HTML using UTF-8 " + node)
return False
# --- change : end ---
return "People on Quora" in html
# Applies reservoir sampling to a candidate leaf
def sample(node):
# curUserIdx is 1-indexed
global users, curUserIdx
# Initialize the list
if (curUserIdx <= NUM_SAMPLES):
# Replace elements
# random.randint chooses a random integer, inclusive
choice = random.randint(1, curUserIdx)
if (choice <= NUM_SAMPLES):
users[choice - 1] = node
curUserIdx += 1
# Gets the number of followers for a user
def getFollowers(profile):
page = openPage(profile)
m = fnum.search(page.read())
if m:
return m.group(1)
print("Could not get number of followers for " + profile)
err.write("Could not get number of followers for " + profile)
# Traverses the tree using depth first search.
def crawl(node):
for child in getChildren(node):
if child in excludedPages:
elif isLeaf(child):
print("Sampling " + child)
elif isInternalNode(child):
print("Crawling internal node " + child)
print("Passing on link " + child)
# Initialize browser
br = mechanize.Browser()
cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
# Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh > 0
br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1)
# User-Agent
br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; \
rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')]
# Get list of top level pages (and exclude them from searches, because they
# form cycles)
excludedPages = list(filter(isInternalNode, getChildren("https://www.quora.com/directory"))) # changed: add `list()`
print('[DEBUG] topPages:', list(excludedPages)) # changed: add only for debug
topPages = filter(inPeopleDirectory, excludedPages)
print('[DEBUG] topPages:', list(topPages)) # changed: add only for debug
# Access Quora directory (it's public access!)
for page in topPages:
# Get followers for each user
ff = open(FOLLOWERS_FILE, 'w')
uf = open(USERS_FILE, 'w')
# Write these in two separate steps in case something goes wrong with
# getFollowers. I don't want to lose my random sample, because that is the
# hardest part to get.
for u in users:
uf.write(u + "\n")
for u in users:
numFollowers = getFollowers(u)
if numFollowers:
ff.write(u + "\t" + getFollowers(u) + "\n")