
How to make dictionary to output by max value only (implied_volatility)?

So the dictionary titled 'option' spits out the result (tradeable options) below by strike_price, ask_price, delta and implied_volatility. But I don't need it to spit out all of the tradeable options. I only want the output to show me 1 tradeable option that has the highest implied_volatility (IV), so for example, the result should only show the option with the highest IV:

Strike Price: 43.0000, Ask: 0.030000, Bid: 0.000000, Delta: 0.008705, IV: 1.449510 - because IV here is the highest from the entire output below.

How can I do this?

import config 
import robin_stocks as r 


#specify criteria to search for options of a given symbol and its exp date
symbol = 'GDX'
expirationDate = '2020-06-19'

search_option = r.find_options_for_stock_by_expiration(symbol,expirationDate,optionType='call')

for option in search_option:

        print("Strike Price: {}, Ask: {}, Bid: {}, Delta: {}, IV: {}".format(option['strike_price'],option['ask_price'],option['bid_price'],option['delta'], option['implied_volatility']))

Strike Price: 42.0000, Ask: 0.030000, Bid: 0.000000, Delta: 0.009354, IV: 1.335719
Strike Price: 43.0000, Ask: 0.030000, Bid: 0.000000, Delta: 0.008705, IV: 1.449510
Strike Price: 35.5000, Ask: 0.060000, Bid: 0.040000, Delta: 0.073395, IV: 0.634361
Strike Price: 36.5000, Ask: 0.030000, Bid: 0.020000, Delta: 0.041370, IV: 0.743600


  • In the place of for loop of your code replace this one.

    highest_IV, highest_idx = 0, None
    for idx, option in enumerate(search_option):
        if option['implied_volatility'] and highest_IV < float(option['implied_volatility']):
            highest_IV = float(option['implied_volatility'])
            highest_idx = idx
    if highest_idx is not None:
        print("Strike Price: {strike_price}, Ask: {ask_price}, Bid: {bid_price}, Delta: {delta}, IV: {implied_volatility}".format(**search_option[highest_idx]))

    Here, you may need to consider the case that search_option is empty.

    I hope this would help you.