Imagine there are three functions, all them accept and return the same type args.
Normally, we can write it as fun3(fun2(fun1(args))
, this can be say that a sequence function act on parameter in order, which likes one variety Higher-order functions "map".
You know in Mathematica, we can write this as fun3@fun2@fun1@args
Now the question is that can we integrate fun3@fun2@fun1 as another fun without modifying their definition, so fun(args)
can replace fun3(fun2(fun1(args))
, this looks more elegant and concise.
def merge_steps(*fun_list):
def fun(arg):
result = arg
for f in fun_list:
result = f(result)
return result
return fun
def plus_one(arg):
return arg + 1
def double_it(arg):
return arg ** 2
def power_ten(arg):
return arg ** 10
combine1 = merge_steps(power_ten, plus_one, double_it)
combine2 = merge_steps(plus_one, power_ten, double_it)
> 3486902500
or use lambda:
steps = [power_ten, plus_one, double_it]
reduce(lambda a, f: f(a), steps, 3)
> 3486902500