
Automatic partial derivation of integrals of polynoms

I've been searching for a C/C++ library that does symbolic differantation and integrals of polynoms, but haven't found one that suits my needs. I'm afraid that the problem is that I'm not using the correct terminology. The problem is this :

given a polynom p, I would like to look at the function

f(p) = integral of (p')^2 from a to b

And generate partial derivatives for f with respect to p's coefficients.

Theoretically, there should be no problem here as we are dealing with polynoms, but I haven't found something that can keep the connection between the original coefficients and the modified polynom.

Does anyone know if there are libraries that can do such things, or am I better of creating my own?


  • Have you tried to use FADBAD? It's quite useful.