
Git: ftp is not a command

I'm trying to use the git-ftp on Windows 10. I've tried all steps on this page.

It suggests to write these commands on git bash:

cd /d/"Program Files"/Git
git clone git-ftp.git
cd git-ftp.git && chmod +x git-ftp
cp /d/"Program Files"/Git/git-ftp.git/git-ftp /d/"Program Files"/Git/bin/git-ftp

And write these commands in the project folder to cmd:

git config git-ftp.url
git config git-ftp.user ftp_username
git config git-ftp.password ftp_password
git add .
git commit -m "files changes"
git ftp init

But when I try to write this code:

git ftp init

It just give me this error:

git: 'ftp' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

I don't know what am I missing.


I've created a pull request on github.


  • The README for git-ftp/git-ftp includes:

    Windows and OS X: I am very limited in testing on Windows and OS X. Thanks for helping me out fixing bugs on these platforms.

    Still, on Windows, you can simply copy the git-ftp in D:\Program Files\Git\bin (you don't even have to be in a bash): any git-xxx file which is in the %PATH% would be executed by git xxx

    Check first in a regular CMD (with the appropriate PATH) if git ftp is recognized. (Assuming D:\Program Files\Git\bin is in your %PATH%)